eshnas about picture

Hey there..! Welcome to my nook, my corner of the internet. I am Eshna..😊 So first things first I'm a mom. A seasoned one at that, with a teenage daughter who keeps me on my toes with her ever-evolving fashion sense and endless supply of eye rolls (it's a love language, right?). And then there's my college-going son, who's somehow managed to become independent but still requires constant financial care (the struggle is real). Oh, and I can't forget the newest member of the family – our dog, Blaze, who sheds more love than fur.. But here's the twist: I've lived in more places than I can count, from bustling cities to sleepy towns, collecting stories and experiences like souvenirs. Every relocation has been an adventure. But it's not just about the places I've been (though trust me, I have some wild stories!). It's about the people I've met, the lessons I've learned, and the resilience I've discovered along the way. And that's where my love for writing comes in. Putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, let's be honest) is my way of sharing these experiences, both the hilarious and the heartwarming, with the world. So, now coming to the question as to what awaits you in my virtual haven? * *Wellness whispers:* We'll explore healthy habits and mindful practices that nourish body, mind, and soul, leaving you feeling vibrant and renewed. * *Style secrets:* Embrace your unique beauty with tips and tricks that celebrate individuality and empower you to shine. * *Relationship revelations:* From the joys of family to the complexities of friendships (and maybe a sprinkle of romance!), we'll navigate life's connections with open hearts and shared experiences. * *Home decor delights:* Craft spaces that reflect your personality and spark creativity. Let's turn your house into a haven that inspires and uplifts. * *Personal poems & peeks:* Through snippets of my life and verses from my soul, you'll gain glimpses into the lessons learned and the laughter shared. And who knows, maybe you'll even find some inspiration, laughter, or even just a relatable "been there, done that" moment along the way. So, stick around, grab a cuppa (or a glass of wine, no judgment here), and let's explore the messy, beautiful journey called life together! P.S. Feel free to share your own adventures, thoughts, and laughter in the comments below. This crazy journey is so much more fun with company!

More than just words

Lifestyle Tips and Inspiration for the Modern Woman

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