How to get excited about your life ?

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Live a Life You Are Excited About

How to get excited about your life ?

How to create the life you can’t wait to wake up to ?

Embrace Excitement: The Key to Happiness

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” – Mark Twain

Life is beautiful.

It is filled with moments of excitement.

A big part of being happy is being excited, excited for everything.

Excitement in everyday things.

Its about looking forward to the simple little things in life, like making a cup of tea, seeing a friend, the next episode of your favorite show, buying something you’ve been saving up for, sunsets, traveling, and falling in love.

Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, wrote in “Man’s Search for Meaning,” “We need not wait for extraordinary opportunities to contribute to life. Every day is an opportunity.”

Here’s why you should be excited about everything, from making a cup of tea to falling in love..

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How to get excited about your life?

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As the famous saying goes, “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

Life is made up of small moments, and each one is there to bring us happiness if we look at it with excitement.

Think about making a cup of tea. Instead of rushing through it, take a moment to enjoy the process.

Appreciate the aroma as you open the tea container, listen to the sound of water boiling, and feel the warmth of the cup in your hands.

The first comforting sip can be a mini celebration of the present moment !



Seeing a friend, whether for a quick chat or a long catch-up session, is something to be excited about. Friends light up our lives with their support, laughter, and love.

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“A friend is a gift you give yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Look forward to these meetings and treasure the time spent with those who matter to you.

Think about planning a coffee date with a close friend. Picking a cozy café, looking forward to fun chats, and remembering good times together can make your week brighter.


“My life is a constant struggle between laziness and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm usually wins – but it’s a very close call.” – Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes creator) 

Whether it’s the next episode of your favorite show or a book you can’t put down, find excitement in the things you love.

These interests are a source of entertainment and relaxation, and just waiting for them can make your daily routine more enjoyable.

Picture yourself at the end of a long day, looking forward to unwinding with the latest episode of your favorite series.

The excitement builds as you prepare your favorite snack, get cozy on the couch, and press play.

Or maybe you’re eagerly awaiting the release of a new book by your favorite author.

The thrill of the wait, finally getting the book in your hands, and diving into the story can make your day.

As you read, you’re transported to another world, bringing a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Buying something you’ve been saving up for is an achievement.

It required lots of patience, effort, and discipline.

So be excited about it, no matter how big or small, as they represent your hard work and dedication.

Think about saving up for a new gadget, a piece of furniture, or even a special trip.

Each time you put money aside, you’re one step closer to your dream destination.

When you finally book the trip, the excitement of planning your itinerary, imagining the places you’ll visit, and the experiences you’ll have, makes all the effort worth it.


“The Earth has music for those who listen.” — William Shakespeare

Sunsets are a beautiful reminder of the world’s wonders.

Take some time to watch the sky turn into a canvas of colors, and let it fill you with awe and appreciation for the natural beauty around you.

Imagine ending your day with a walk to a favorite spot where you can watch the sunset.

The changing colors, the cool evening breeze, and the calmness of the moment can be incredibly soothing and exciting.

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As Helen Keller aptly stated, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Traveling introduces us to new experiences and perspectives.

The excitement of a new place, meeting different people, and trying new things adds a sense of adventure to life.

Even planning a trip can fill you with excitement and joy.

Think about planning a weekend getaway.

The fun starts with picking a destination, planning activities, and imagining all the adventures you’ll have, making your daily routine more exciting.

Falling in love is one of the most exhilarating experiences.

The excitement of getting to know someone, sharing your life, and building a future together is a journey filled with happiness and discovery.

“Falling in love is like a slow walk into a beautiful, blooming garden. The path is long and winding, but the destination is worth it.” – Pablo Neruda

Think about the early stages of a romantic relationship.

The butterflies in your stomach.

The excitement of getting to know each other, planning dates, and discovering new things about your partner can fill your days with joy.

Each shared experience and connection deepens your relationship.

Live a Life You Are Excited About

Ultimately, living a life you are excited about means finding joy in both the big and small moments.

It’s about appreciating the present and looking forward to the future.

It’s about adding little things that make you happy every day.

By being excited for everything, you fill your life with happiness, making each day a little brighter and more fulfilling.

Like Cheryl Strayed said, “Do what you love and don’t let go.”

The key is to find what you love, a purpose that makes you feel awesome and wants you to keep learning and growing.

This way, every day feels like a new adventure waiting to happen!

Live a life that excites you, and you’ll find happiness in every moment.

ALSO READ: Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Don’t Fell Like it !

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how to live a life you are excited about

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14 thoughts on “How to get excited about your life ?”

  1. “Do what you love and don’t let go.” isn’t that what makes life meaningful? I love what I do so much, I can’t retire and just sit in a chair!

  2. This is a topic that I’ve been working on for the past year. I have recently adopted a mindset of living a simpler lifestyle and romantising the small daily moments that is often overlooked. For me, it’s finding a cozy spot in a cafe and reading❤️

  3. Love this post! I have a hard time celebrating the small moments in the quest to achieve the bigger goal. Thank you for reminding me to celebrate ALL wins big or small

  4. Amazing post! I’m a blogger so my big wins are reaching a certain number of views and visitors, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get excited when I’m finishing a blog post. I love to write and that’s what I want to keep doing!

  5. I agree that a mindfulness mindset and appreciating every day moments create true joy and a sense of excitement regarding what each day will bring.

  6. Such a good reminder to live live to full. In the world of social media and us not stopping, the dopamine we get is from scrolling our phones not from the sun or any other “simple pressures”.
    Good reminder.

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