stay at home moms

To All Stay-at-Home Moms, With Love.

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Redefining the Value of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom.

A few years ago, on a lazy summer Sunday, a conversation with my little girl jolted me awake to a harsh reality.

As we whiled away the afternoon, she dropped a bomb: “Ma.. when I grow up, I do not want to be like you…”

My heart sank. Why?

“Because I don’t want to be someone jisne kabhi koi job nahi kee..that’s what you are na..berozgaar…. our teacher told us it means no job and I said that is what my ma is.. berozgaar!” (Because I do not want to be someone who never had a job… that is what you are, right? Unemployed!)

Those innocent words, “unemployed,” hit me hard. In her young mind, my role as a homemaker simply did not translate to a “job.”

It was a wake-up call, a blunt reminder of how society’s perception of “jobless housewives” is, even through the eyes of our children.

But the truth is being a mom is a monumental job!

My mind raced with questions.

Is raising a child, teaching them values, and creating a loving home not a job?

What about the countless hours spent cooking, cleaning, managing finances, and being the emotional anchor of the family?

Where does that fit in the “job” definition?

A job is not just about a pay check and a cubicle.

Running a smooth household requires nothing less than superpower skillsets, which include being budgeting experts, organizers, expert negotiators, and entertainers.

These are transferable skills, valuable assets anywhere.

stay at home moms

Redefining “Job” and “Ambition”

We, as a society, have downplayed the significance of stay-at-home moms.

It is a narrative filled with misconceptions and a lack of understanding.


We do not always appreciate the importance of stay-at-home moms.

They often face criticism, being labelled as “unemployed” or lacking ambition.

But ambition is not limited to climbing the corporate ladder or achieving professional accomplishments.

It is about continuously trying to become the best version of ourselves – whether that is as a mother, a wife, a daughter, or a friend.

Being ambitious means always learning and growing, seeking to improve ourselves and those around us.

It is about setting goals, overcoming challenges, and making a positive impact in the lives of others.

stay at home moms

Let us also understand that choosing to stay at home is not a sign of a lack of ambition.

It is a conscious decision, often made for very valid reasons:

Some mothers choose to dedicate their time to nurturing their children during their initial years.

This is a crucial decision that shapes a child’s development and lays the foundation for their future success.

Perhaps a housewife is dealing with personal challenges that make a traditional job difficult to manage.

This needs understanding, not judgment.

The current job market might not offer the kind of work that sparks joy.

Focusing on the home allows moms to utilize their skills differently.


Ambition Takes Many Forms:

Climbing the corporate ladder is not the only path to ambition.

  • Building a Strong Family: Creating a loving and supportive family environment is an incredibly ambitious goal
  • Lifelong Learning: A stay-at-home mom can be just as ambitious, focusing on personal growth through self-study, hobbies, or volunteer work.
  • Creating a Safe Haven: Providing a secure and nurturing space for your family is a fulfilling and highly ambitious goal.

So, to all the mothers and homemakers out there, know that your contributions are invaluable and worthy of recognition. Your dedication, love, and hard work do not go unnoticed.

In the end, it is not about what others think or say.

It is about finding fulfilment and purpose in whatever path you choose, and knowing that being a loving presence in the lives of your loved ones is a noble and worthy pursuit.

After all, isn’t that what truly makes the world a better place?

Let us empower each other and celebrate the diverse paths women choose.

A stay-at-home mom is not “unemployed.” She is the CEO of her household, the heart of her family, and a vital force in society.

And to my daughter, I hope you will come to understand that ambition comes in many forms.

Whether you choose a career path or embrace the role of caregiver, your worth and value are not defined by societal expectations.

stay at home moms

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10 thoughts on “To All Stay-at-Home Moms, With Love.”

  1. Well said! I was blessed to be a SAHM for 4 years after our eldest was born but then had to join the workforce. I missed being home with my babies and envied every woman who was/is blessed to do it. Now my eldest is a SAHM and I love watching her guide her baby boy. More people need to read this. Well done.

    1. i too was SAHM for the longest time.. started working and i so missed being home with my kids. Now i juggle between home and work but want to transition back to being a SAHM so have taken to blogging..!!!

  2. Homemaker should not be undermined….
    Its a 24×7 commitment…. Excellent articulation. Keep it up!

  3. Beautifully written! This piece truly highlights the invaluable work stay-at-home moms do. Society often overlooks their contributions, but this article eloquently redefines ambition and success. Thank you for shedding light on the importance of nurturing families and the diverse forms of ambition

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