Reasons Why We Keep Clothes We Don’t Wear and How to Move Past Them?

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Why Do We Keep Clothes We Don’t Wear ?

Have you ever opened your closet, only to feel like you have nothing to wear, even though the clothes are spilling out?

Every day, I face the same struggle.

I stand in front of my overflowing cupboard, unable to find anything to wear.

I’m always torn between feeling guilty for buying new clothes when my closet is already full, and dealing with pieces that don’t fit or are out of style.

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My daughter often says, “Mom, you have a cupboard full of clothes, yet you still complain all the time.”

It makes me wonder why this happens.

Why do we want to hold onto clothes we rarely wear.

How can we free ourselves from these wardrobe woes !

clothes we don't wear

Here are some reasons I could find:

“Memories are not in the clothes, but in the heart.”

Clothes are closely connected to memories or important events, which makes it so hard to let go.

Looking at some clothes takes you back to that time in the past and nostalgia sets in.

Think about the dress you first wore for your first date or the T-shirt from your first concert.

Or as a mother, how you find it difficult to let go of your child’s first birthday dress.

These clothes hold memories, but they also take up space.

A good idea is to take photos of these items to save memories without the physical clutter.

If you must keep something for nostalgia, limit it to one or two pieces.

 “Holding onto items ‘just in case’ often means we are not living in the present.”

We often hold onto clothes, thinking we might need them someday.

Yes, we are all guilty of it and all of us are hoarders at some level or another.

That dress you think you will repurpose for some future event never comes.

The best thing to do here is to set a time limit.

If you haven’t used it in a year, it’s time to let it go.

Donate these items to someone who might actually need them now.

“Clothes should fit you, not the other way around.”

Many people keep clothes that no longer fit, hoping to wear them again one day.

I am very guilty of this!

Remember those jeans from college that you are sure you’ll fit into again.

Its better to love and dress the body you have now.

If your size changes in the future, you can always buy yourself new clothes that will fit perfectly.

clothes we don't wear
woman looking in her cupboard clothes

“The money is spent; keeping the item won’t bring it back.”

Guilt over wasting money is also a  reason we keep clothes we don’t wear.

We all buy that expensive dress for a wedding and never wear it again.

The lesson to be learned here is about mindful spending.

Donate or sell the clothes to someone who will use them, turning your guilt into a good deed.

 Remember, “Gifts are expressions of love, not life sentences.

We also keep clothes given by others out of obligation.

Like that sweater your aunt knitted for you, that’s not quite your style.

Appreciate the thought behind the gift but understand it’s okay to pass it on if it doesn’t suit you.

Someone else might love it.

“More options often lead to more confusion.”

Some people like having many options, even if they don’t wear them all.

You might have ten pairs of black pants but you end up wearing your favorite two.

Make it simple and keep only pieces you love and wear regularly.

This will make getting dressed easier and more enjoyable.

“Value isn’t just about money; it’s about utility.”

Some items are so valuable that it is difficult to part with them.

You might keep designer clothes from years ago because they were expensive, even if they’re out of style.

 If you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s not adding value to your life.

Sell these items if possible, or donate them to those in need.

“Trends come and go, but style is forever.”

Constantly trying to keep up with fashion trends that go out of style very quickly is another reason.

Last season’s must-have pants now feel so out of place.

Try to build a wardrobe of timeless, versatile pieces.

Try to buy trendy clothes that you truly love and know you will wear in the future.

 “Shopping is a temporary fix for a deeper need.”

Emotional shopping can lead to a closet full of clothes bought just to release stress.

Be mindful of your shopping habits.

Before buying, ask yourself if the item fits your current needs and style.

Find other ways to cope with emotions, like exercise or talking to a friend.

clothes we don't wear

Sometimes we ourselves are unaware of how many unused clothes we have.

The back of your closet might be filled with forgotten clothes.

Regularly audit your wardrobe.

Take everything out and only put back what you’ve worn in the past year.

Donate or sell the rest.

“Good intentions don’t make clothes wearable.”

Keeping clothes that need repairs is another common issue.

For example, that shirt with a missing button or pants that need hemming.

Set a deadline to fix these items.

If they’re still sitting in your “to-do” pile after the deadline, it’s time to let them go.


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“Your wardrobe should reflect who you are, not who you think you should be.”

Not knowing your personal style can lead to a mishmash of clothes.

Clothes that looked great on someone might not look great on you.

Spend some time to find out what styles and colors make you feel confident and comfortable.

Keep only those pieces that align with your true self.

Now that we know the reasons why we keep clothes we don’t wear, here’s a step-by-step plan to help you declutter your wardrobe.

How To declutter your wardrobe

-Dedicate a day or weekend to go through your clothes.

-Take everything out and lay it on your bed or floor.

-Create piles to keep, donate, sell, and repair.

-Make sure you love how each item fits and feels.

-If you haven’t worn it in the past year, it’s time to let it go.

-Keep off-season clothes out of the way to make your current wardrobe more accessible.

-Arrange your clothes in a way that makes it easy to see and access what you have.

-Regularly review your wardrobe to keep it functional.

By understanding the reasons behind our attachments to clothes and following the above steps, we can create a more functional and enjoyable wardrobe.

This will not only make our daily routine simple but also make us feel good about the choices we made regarding our clothes.

So next time you open your closet, take a moment to think about why you’re keeping that piece.

Let go of what no longer meets your needs and make room for a wardrobe that truly reflects your current self.

Happy decluttering!

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8 thoughts on “Reasons Why We Keep Clothes We Don’t Wear and How to Move Past Them?”

  1. Taylor Gipson

    I loved this! We move 4 times a year, so I’ve had to learn how to do this! And it truly makes all the difference learning how to let go of things that don’t serve us!

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