friendship girl speaking on phone

Long Distance Friendships: 14 Tips To Keep It Strong

Sharing is caring!

friendship friends holding hands


Maintaining long distance friendships isn’t as easy as it seems..



As time passes, maintaining the connection becomes increasingly challenging.


Life events and personal growth lead us down different paths, making it harder to stay in sync.


The physical distance amplifies these hurdles, leaving us feeling disconnected at times.


But just because the miles stretch, doesn’t mean the bond has to fade.

“Don’t let the distance make you distant”

In fact, long-distance friendships can be some of the most cherished connections we have.


With a little effort, creativity, and a whole lot of love, you can turn those miles into mere stepping stones on the path of your lifelong connection.


After all, sometimes the best friendships are like magnets – the pull intensifying the further apart you get.


Let’s bridge the distance and keep those hearts connected, no matter how many miles lie between you.


Let’s explore strategies to strengthen this bond.


Why Honesty is the Best Policy (Even From Afar)

Let’s face it, long-distance friendships can be a balancing act.


The unspoken issues. 


You know the feeling – your friend does something that bugs you, but you bottle it up because you’re afraid of rocking the boat. 


But that boat is already taking on water, and if you don’t fix the leak, it’s going to sink !


So, take a deep breath and speak up.


I know confrontation can be scary,  but trust me,  avoiding communication is the recipe for a friendship meltdown.


Here’s why dodging the conversation is a bad idea:



Friends Don’t Let Friends Miscommunicate

 Friendships are messy sometimes.


 Misunderstandings happen, but true friends work through them. 


Think about it – if you accidentally did something that upset your friend, wouldn’t you want them to tell you?  


Bottled-up frustration only creates distance.


Think of it like a pressure cooker.  Unresolved issues build steam, and eventually,  BOOM!


The friendship explodes!


Talking it out early lets you release the pressure and keep things calm.


Silence Screams Trouble

Mind Reading is a Myth. 


Talking about things that bug you can feel…well, awkward.


But remember, silence is a recipe for resentment.


We all know those awkward moments where you take something the wrong way. 

Without open communication, misunderstandings run wild. 


Talking it through clears the air and reminds you that you’re both on the same team.



The Empathy Advantage 

Put yourself in your friend’s shoes.


Wouldn’t you want to know if something you were doing was bothering them?


Open communication allows you to see things from each other’s perspectives and build a stronger bond.


Level Up Your Friendship Game

Every conversation, even the tough ones, is a chance to grow.


By learning to communicate effectively, you become a better friend and build a stronger, more resilient connection.


Ditch the Text, Go Face-to-Face (Virtually)

Communication is key, but not the text (it’s a breeding ground for misunderstandings!).


While a text might seem convenient,  it can lead to misinterpretations.

Schedule a video chat. 

Seeing each other’s faces helps clear up confusion and lets you pick up on those subtle cues that text can’t convey.


Remember,  honesty is the best policy,  even (and maybe especially) when miles separate you.


So,  channel your inner communicator and address the elephant !

Your long-distance friendship will thank you for it.


Remember, strong friendships aren’t built on avoiding problems, but on tackling them together,  one honest conversation at a time.

Now let’s talk about taking your long-distance friendship from good to amazing.


It all boils down to one key ingredient:


Showing you truly care

This might seem simple, but trust me, it’s a game-changer.


Remember that tidbit your friend mentioned about their career goals or their kid’s school struggles?

Don’t let it disappear into the conversation abyss!


Be a Superhero Listener

First things first, lend a listening ear.


Let your friend vent, share their worries, and know you’re there for them.

This is their time to shine (or vent, depending on the situation).


Become Their Personal Therapist

Once you’ve been the ultimate friend-shaped therapist, don’t stop there!


Think about their situation when you’re not chatting. 


Maybe you can do some research online for helpful resources, chat with someone who’s been through something similar, or even dig into your own experiences for advice.

A few days later (depending on the situation, of course!), check back in.

See how things are going, if there’s anything you can do to lighten their load, or simply offer support.


By showing genuine interest in all aspects of their life, the big and the small, you’re building a bridge across the miles.


You’re reminding them that friendship isn’t just surface-level chats,  you’re actively involved in their journey. 


This extra effort creates a connection that goes beyond distance and builds memories that will last a lifetime.


So next time your friend opens up,  don’t just listen, become their partner-in-crime fighting for their success (or offering a shoulder to cry on,  whichever is needed!).



Unmasking Your Hidden Blocks

Every friendship has its own set of quirks, and sometimes those quirks can come from our past experiences. 


These “friendship kryptonite” moments, like emotional triggers or communication styles, can create walls and make it tough to stay connected, especially from a distance.

The good news?  By being super-aware of these hidden blocks (both yours and your friend’s), you can turn them into stepping stones for a stronger bond.



Think about what makes you withdraw in friendships. 


Are there certain topics that shut you down?


Do you get frustrated by a lack of immediate response? 


By understanding your own trigger, you can avoid accidentally triggering those walls in your long-distance connection.


Become a Friend Detective

Just like you’re figuring out yourself, see if you can spot any patterns in your friend’s communication. 


Do they go quiet during stressful times?


Do they need a heads-up before talking about something difficult? 


Recognizing their trigger can help you navigate conversations and offer support in the way they need it most.


Communication is Key

The best part?  Open communication! 


If you see your friend putting up a wall, don’t shy away from a gentle conversation.


Ask them what’s going on and how you can be a better friend for them during those times. 


This vulnerability and understanding will help you overcome those communication hurdles and build a long-distance friendship that’s strong as steel.


Owning Your Vulnerabilities 

By openly discussing your own vulnerabilities with your friend, you’re creating a space for true empathy and connection. 


Maybe you struggle with anxiety that sometimes makes you slow to respond. 

Maybe your friend feels overwhelmed by negativity and needs some positivity breaks in your chats. 


Sharing these things with each other can foster a deeper understanding and create a safe space where you can both be your authentic selves


Remember, strong friendships aren’t built on hiding weaknesses, but on embracing them together.


Beyond the Text

Text messages are great for quick updates, but let’s be honest, they’re not exactly memory keepers.


Twenty years from now, will you be reminiscing over a funny meme or a handwritten letter filled with secrets and dreams? 


This is where the magic of physical items comes in.


Send a surprise

Surprise your friend with a package!  


Fill it with a heartfelt letter (my personal favourite) and with something you know they will appreciate.


These tangible tokens of your friendship become little treasures, ready to spark a smile years down the road. Imagine your friend unfolding that package, reading the letter, each line a whisper of a shared memory, or a heartwarming moment.


It’s a physical manifestation, a reminder that even though miles separate you, your friendship remains strong.


Sharing Beyond the Beep  

Long-distance friendships can sometimes feel one-dimensional.


Sure, you text about the big stuff, but what about the little moments that make life rich?


Next time you chat, take a moment to share a random detail from your week  –  the cute antic your dog did, or a hilarious typo from a colleague. 

These everyday snippets remind your friend you’re thinking of them beyond the routine updates.


Poetic Prose 

 Feeling extra creative? 


Slip a friendship poem (another favourite of mine!)

It’s a unique way to express your appreciation and show them just how much they mean to you.

A poem can be a burst of creativity, a personalized expression of your friendship.


Music to Their Ears

Craft a playlist for your friend, filled with songs that remind you of them or that you know they’ll love.

It’s a thoughtful gesture that says, “I know you, and I’m thinking of you.”

It’s a way to connect through music, a universal language that transcends distance.


Friendship is a two way street

Life throws curveballs, and sometimes you just need a friend to lean on. 

Don’t shut your friend out during tough times.


  • Be Vulnerable, Reach out, share what you’re going through, and let them offer support. 

Their perspective and empathy can be a powerful source of strength. 

Being there for each other during the tough times strengthens the bonds of friendship.

It shows that you’re not just there for the good times, but that you’re a true confidante, a shoulder to cry on.


  • Schedule Some Social Time

Schedule in regular chats or phone calls.

Even if days are hectic, commit to finding a dedicated time each week (or month) to connect.

This structure ensures you both stay engaged and make time for your friendship.

Think of it as an appointment for laughter, conversation, and catching up.


  • Future Plans, Forever Friends

Plan a trip to reunite in person!

Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a long-awaited reunion, having something to look forward to keeps the excitement simmering.

Set a goal, a future date where you can reconnect in person, share stories face-to-face, and create new memories together.


In conclusion, long-distance friendships require effort and creativity, but they are worth every moment.


By embracing honest communication, showing genuine care, and incorporating thoughtful gestures, you can strengthen your bond despite the miles apart.


Remember, friendship knows no distance when nurtured with love and intention.


So, keep those connections alive and thriving, and cherish the special moments shared across the miles.


Remember, a little effort goes a long way.

As John Donne once said, “Distance does not diminish friendship – only silence does.”


Sharing is caring!

4 thoughts on “Long Distance Friendships: 14 Tips To Keep It Strong”

  1. Sonja Pulkkinen

    Thanks for this post it was really needed! My best friend just moved on the other side of the world so this was a perfect atm for me ❤️

  2. This is filled with such good advice…..advice I need to take on! I’m useless at long distant friendships – tends to be “out of sight, out of mind”

  3. Good to hear all these tips as I live in Europe away from friends and family in the U.S. I have to work at maintaining good long distance relationships.

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